About Us

Since January 2022, our mission has remained the same: give you the power to keep your data out of the hands of data brokers, corporations and government agencies. We believe that protecting your private data does not have to result in hardware or software that is difficult to use or has less than leading-class features.

We are not tech insiders, nor are we ex-government officials or employees.  We are enthusiastic about privacy and promise to work hard every day to provide you with simple solutions to your privacy concerns. We find and test hardware and software – bringing it to market only when it meets our standards. The Parallel ecosystem is a trusted, easy path to escaping the surveillance environment.

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Mission Statement

We provide customers with privacy-centered, trustworthy solutions to help escape the surveillance economy. We recommend privacy solutions, even if it isn't ours.

Social Media

Stay up to date on our latest privacy tips, commentary and offers by following our social media accounts.

Support Hours: Mon-Fri 8:00-5:00 CT (Contacts outside this timeframe will have a delayed response time)

Phone: 1-612-437-6849 You can text this number as well

General Inquiries: info@parallelprivacy.com

Tech Support Issues: support@parallelprivacy.com